Year 2024

Each month the latest version of the club’s  newsletter  “Solid Copy”   is posted here for you to read.  Click on the issue of the Month you wish to review and enjoy your reading !

The newsletter will cover the last month’s news and provide articles about CW-related topics including, News and Notes, Giving Back, CW Academy, New Members, CWops Tests, CWops Member Awards, QTX Report, and My Story: New Member Biographies. It may include photos, audio files, and other content.  Members are encouraged to submit articles about their personal ham radio adventures or interests. Scroll to the bottom of this page for related contact information.

Solid Copy No 172 – May 2024

Editor’s Notes: Remember Your First Time?
Info: CW Activity Weekend
How We Were: VE3GFN
Info: Dayton Hamvention CWops Dinner
Info: NA CW Weekend
Advancing the Art of CW: ROA
VE3GFN: Radio Travel
K4RLC: Visit to VOA Site B
VK3QB: Tales & Anecdotes of YJ0VK
NA6O: Restoring Brown Bros BTL Paddle
K1RF: CW Wave Shaping
EA3VN: Experiencing AO75CT
WC3W: Just Thinking

Solid Copy No 17 1 – April 2024

Editor’s Notes: DX Month
How We Were: KK9TT
Info: Dayton Hamvention CWops Dinner
Info: NA CW Weekend
Info: DXpedition to Vanuatu
KO8SCA: The Making Of A DXpeditioner
K5GS: The TX5S Clipperton Island Story
VK3QB: Inaugural Activity Weekend Results
How To Become A Ragchew Expert
VK3QB: CWops Give Back in Oceania

Solid Copy No 170 – March 2024

Editor’s Notes: A Better Mousetrap
How We Were: I2WIJ
Info: Dayton Hamvention CWops Dinner
Info: NA CW Weekend
N9EEE: The View From The Top
AJ1DM: A Better-ICR
WT8P: Fun With Maps
N3CW: Long Isl Engraved Telegraph Key
KB4WLF & N3JT: 2024 Bug Round-up (QAC)
MØMZB: A Night on Kirk Fell

Solid Copy No 169 – February 2024

Editor’s Notes: K6RB on DX Mentor
Info: CWops Activity Weekend
Info: Award for Advancing the Art of CW
Info: Dayton Hamvention CWops Dinner
How We Were: G3XTT
AEØQ: VOACAP: Geo-Targeting
AE5EZ: Making Ham Signs with CO2 Laser
VE2KM: Impact of ICR
N3JT: Patagonia

Solid Copy No 168 – January 2024

News and Notes
How We Were: GØELZ
Annct: NA CW Weekend
Annct: Award for Advancing the Art of CW
K9LA: Cycle 25 Update & CWTs
AJ8B: My First Beam Project
N9EEE: States QSO Party
K9WX: My Bungali Key
N6XI: Preview K4 Remote
AI4BJ: CW at GOTA station. Why not?
VK3QB: CW Activity Weekend
N3JT: Nominating New Members

We welcome any member to submit material for “Solid Copy” by emailing your input to the newsletter editor Dick Strassburger, N9EEE: Use the subject “Newsletter.”

 Download “Editorial Policy and Style Guidelines for Solid Copy

  • In .docx format for Microsoft Word from HERE
  • In PDF format from HERE

Download the “SI Check List” provided by Bruce N7RR HERE

For previous Years’  Solid Copy Newsletters visit the archive area

The Internet Archive is now hosting back issues of the CWops newsletter, Solid Copy, from 2010 through last month’s issue as an alternate resource to our own website archive. There are powerful search facilities to select years etc and global text search capability across the whole archive back to February 2010. Try it and see what you think.

Copyright © 2011-2024 The CW Operators Club. All rights reserved. Maintained by: KB6NU, SV2BBK

CWops Privacy Policy

CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

Read latest Solid Copy issue