QTX (Ragchewing) Awards

Please refer all inquiries to the QTX Manager,
Enzo, M0KTZ, email qtx@katolaz.net.

The purpose of the QTX Awards program is to encourage ragchewing by CWops members and to recognize those members who enjoy this particular CW activity. Everyone is welcome – you don’t have to be a CWops member to join the fun. Ragchew QSOs are a good opportunity to welcome and encourage other CW fans who may be interested in CWops membership.

Points are based upon the total number of ragchew QSOs. As of July 1, 2018, there are two types of QTX QSOs:

  • The first type of QTX QSO is a QSO that is 20 minutes or longer. Repeat ragchews with the same station on the same band are permitted, and QSOs do NOT have to be with members of CWOps.
  • The second type of QTX QSO is the “mini QTX” QSO. Mini QTX (or MQTX, for short) QS0s are QSOs with anyone that last from 10 to 19 minutes. As with the first type of QTX QSO, repeat ragchews with the same station on the same band are permitted, and QSOs do NOT have to be with members of CWOps.
  • For Roundtable QSOs, log the time when each operator joins the group and when each leaves the group.  If the difference in those times is 20 minutes or more it counts as a QTX QSO. If it lasts from 10 to 19 minutes it counts as a Mini QTX QSO.

RAGCHEWS DO NOT HAVE TO BE WITH OTHER CWOPS members. In order to qualify for an award, however, you must be a member at the end of the year when the awards are presented.

Points are based upon the total number of ragchew QSOs. Every month, you can submit your QTX QSOs using the form below. Scores for both QTX and MQTX QSOs will be reported in the Solid Copy newsletter, but for the time being no specific awards or medals will be given out for MQTX QSOs. For the annual award, monthly totals will be combined.

NOTE: A single QSO counts only once and should be reported as either a MQTX or QTX but not both.

QTX Certificates
Upon reaching the 100, 500, and 1000 QTX levels, members can download and fill out one of the certificates below.



QTX Plaque
Every year, CWOps awards a plaque to the member who has the most QTX points. Members submit their monthly count by the 5th of the next month.

QTX Achievement Medallions
In addition, CWOps awards medallions the following achievement levels:

  • Gold Medallion – 400 QTX points
  • Silver Medallion – 300 QTX points
  • Bronze Medallion – 200 QTX points

QTX scores are listed in our newsletter, Solid Copy, every month. Use the form below to submit your QTX QSOs.

Also, once the list of award winners (based on total points for the year) for medallions has been compiled, CWops members may use the payment button  below to pay the $15 charge for the appropriate medallion. The deadline for ordering medallions is the end of February. 



QTX Submission Form

Please enter your monthly QTX scores here.

  • Select month
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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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