Solid Copy 2022


Year 2022  issues

This is the Archive page  of the club’s  newsletter  “Solid Copy”  for 2022.  Click on the issue of the Month you wish to review and enjoy your reading !

The newsletter will cover the last month’s news and provide articles about CW-related topics including, News and Notes, Giving Back, CW Academy, New Members, CWops Tests, CWops Member Awards, QTX Report, and My Story: New Member Biographies. It may include photos, audio files, and other content.

Solid Copy No 155 – December 2022

‘TwasThe Night Before Christmas
How We Were: G3WZD
Dayton Hamvention Dinner
Nominations for Advancing the Art of CW
N9EEE: Holiday Gifts for CW Enthusiast
NB7O: Using a Dynamometer
N1RBD: 170th NA SOTA Mountain Goat
K4EU: Iceland DXpedition
VK9NY: DXpedition Boot Camp
W0FN: On Learning ICR
W1WEF: A Walk Through A CWT
N9EEE: CWops Digital Voice System
Membership Committee Update


Solid Copy No 154 – November 2022

Monkey Shines
Board of Director Elections
How We Were: N2GG
Bylaws Amendments
CW Open Results
CW Open Anecdotes
NJ3K: Antenna Project
W8EWH: POTA w/Penntek TR-45L
VA7GI: Is Morse Code a Language?


Solid Copy No 153 – October 2022

Citizen Reporter
How We Were: W1HIS
JN1THL: Tokyo Ham Fair
WS1L: Museum Ships Weekend
HB9CVQ: HF Operating Feasibility in an EV?
W8WZ: Remote CW w/Flex Maestro
W9VNE: Golden Memories of an Elmer
VK3QB: DXpedition to Cocos Island
Can S & P Score Big in CWT?
Call For Nominations
Get Your Speed Up: MST/CWT/SST


Solid Copy No 152 – September 2022

Lessons From The River Valley
News and Notes
Giving Back
How We Were: WN7S
K5LN: Different View of CW Learning
VE6JTW: Activating Mount Burke
N3JT: Remotely Power a KW Amplifier
N5OT: Membership Committee
Get Your Speed Up: MST/CWT/SST
New Members
My Story: New Member Biographies


Solid Copy No 151 – August 2022

News and Notes
How We Were: W1WEF
2022 CW Open
AJ8B: Choosing Your Next Computer
K5RC: Distributed Contesting
HB9CVQ: 40m Loop For On The Move
W1WEF: Automatic Antenna Switching
W8WZ: Review – Stealth Flagpole Antenna
K8VA: Murphy Visits Field Day
K4MQG: What God Hath Wrought
KR2Q: A Rose By Any Other Name
My Story: New Member Biographies


Solid Copy No 150 – July 2022

News and Notes
K6RB: Giving Back
How We Were, K1VUT
CW Weekend: North America
AD0WE: Learning Approach to QRQ
N6KR: Collecting Stamps vs Seashells
N3CW: Elegato Streamdeck
N9EP: Field Day/WRDN Interview
N3VO: Field Day in the NRQZ (shh)
W6SX: 7th Call Area QSO Party
EA6BF: Visiting Texas
VK3QB: Norfolk Island
2022 CW Open

Solid Copy No 149 – June 2022

News and Notes
Leadership Opportunities
Giving Back
How We Were, K4IU
Hamvention 2022
W2APF: Under the Volcano
4X6GP: Diversity reception
DL3DXX: HB0 for CQ WW 160 m CW
NA2U: Remote Contesting
W6SX: Auto Hot Keys

Solid Copy No 148 – May 2022

News and Notes
W4ZYT: North American CW Weekend
K6RB: Giving Back
KC4D: CWops 2022 Dayton Dinner
W6SX: How We Were, WA5YOM
N3JT: My Trip to Ireland
KG7YU: A Remote Keyer System
N1DG: Giving back to Fish and Wildlife
K2MF: CWops/SKCC Common Members
WR7Q: CW Warmup Exercises
KA9MDP: The Bug Roundup
4X6GP: Point of View, FT8 and DXing
W1WEF: Supporting Beverage Antennas

Solid Copy No 147 – April 2022

News and Notes
W4ZYT: North American CW Weekend
K6RB: Giving Back
KC4D: CWops 2022 Dayton Dinner
W6SX: How We Were, MD0CCE
W0TG: Mini Clubs and Vanity Calls
WB2UZE: A New Contest: The MST
AJ8B: Protecting Your PC
VE3OMV: Learning to Contest
ND3F: CQ WW CW from C6
VK6GX: CanSpeakers

Solid Copy No 146 – March 2022

News and Notes
W4ZYT: North American CW Weekend
KC4D: CWops 2022 Dayton Dinner
W6SX: How We Were, G3LDI
K9LA Wins QST Cover Plaque Award
W6SX: Point of View: Monster
K5GO/ZF9CW: Cayman Brac
WB2UZE: International CW Council
W1VE/VE1RM: A Remote Multi-Op
W1WEF: No Kidding!
KK9TT: One Ham’s Journey
G0JPS: CWA Associate Advising
HB9DHG: CWA Students Share

Solid Copy No 145 – February 2022

News & Notes
K7NJ: CWops Award for Advancing the Art
KC4D: CWops 2022 Dayton Dinner
W6SX: How We Were, WD6T
SQ5VCO: Morse Code HamTuber
PA2G: My CW Academy Journey
N4GG: My Publishing Adventure
K4RLC: Medical Amateur Radio Council
W2CDO/4 Operation Report
KC4T: A Web Based Code Trainer App

Solid Copy No 144 – January 2022

News & Notes
K6RB: Giving Back Update
N3JT: Operators Declining Nomination
W6SX: How We Were, WB7DND
KC4D: CWops 2022 Dayton Dinner
K7NJ: The Award for Advancing the Art
K9CT: Annual Financial Report
N5ZO: Contest Operation from J42L
KT9X: I’ve Got Cooties!
ZL2VGA: CW Traffic Net in New Zealand
KR2Q: ACA Tracking
K3PP: 2021 Year in Review
N5PHT: 1000 Consecutive CWT Sessions

We welcome any member to submit material for “Solid Copy” by emailing your input to the newsletter editor Dick Strassburger, N9EEE: Use the subject “Newsletter.”

Download “Editorial Policy and Style Guidelines for Solid Copy

  • In .docx format for Microsoft Word from HERE
  • In PDF format from HERE

Download the “SI Check List” provided by Bruce N7RR HERE

For previous Years’  Solid Copy Newsletters visit the archive area

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

Read latest Solid Copy issue