Vic Deschênes , VE9VIC

CWops# 2482, from Kedgwick , NB , Canada.---->View on Google maps

I was licenced in 1994, Morse code, 12 wpm and advance. My first transceiver was a Heathkit SB104A with the remote VFO, my key was a Heathkit 1410, both bought used, then I bought a second hand Yaesu FT900 from a DXer (VE1MAM, Marc) but I kept my Heathkit 1410 as my main key for 25 years. In 2019 I bought a Kenwood TS590SG, great receiver, and Begali simplex iambic. Living in a small rural area, not much place for big antenna, I had experimented with different wire antennas over those years, always with 100 w or QRP, then I got a small 40-foot tower and a TA33jr but no rotor. Recently I moved to a place with more room (2 acres) so I can plan towers with bigger antennas and longer wire antennas, I got a rotor this time and a RatPak from Array Solutions, still using 100 w at the moment. For portable HF I got a Youkits HB-1B with a ZM-2 ATU.

My main interest is DXing, CW, so far I got 270 countries and 38 CQ zones (QRO), also a few Canadian and American awards, one of my certificate is from QRPARCI for 1000 miles per watts, I contacted VU2TMP in India with 5 watts for 1558 miles per watt. Antenna building and improving keep me busy during the summer. I also do a few contests, like R.A.C. contests, ARRL DX CW, CQ DX CW. POTA (CNPOTA) is also interesting, it’s bringing a lot of amateur radio to go outside alone or with family/friends, to activate park, trying different antennas. Special events like SKCC K3Y, CWops, Fists, get my attention during the winter. Also, during the year, I try to find some little challenge like the 13 Colonies event, the 12 Days of Christmas, work all the saints of Bulgaria, etc… One interesting challenge is the CQDX marathon. I do 90% CW except when I have to get some POTA or CNPOTA.

I got a small and modest collection of old Morse key and bug, I use some of them along the year during some events. I’m interested by the history of those keys and restoration, you can see them on my QRZ page. Marc (VE1MAM) also gave me some nice keys. Always looking for Canadian Morse keys at ham fest.

I’m member of RAC Canada, ARRL, CQ, SKCC, CWops, Fists, QRP ARCI, NAQCC, True blue DXers club.

I work in a private salmon fishing lodge, I have two wonderful daughters, Vicky and Stephanie. A grandson Xander and a granddaughter Chanel. Others hobbies are bicycle and bicycle touring when I can, Guitar, badminton, reading history and biography books. Thank to my partner Joyce for her support and patience.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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