Tom Gordon, WW8D

CWops# 3131, from Salem , VA , USA.---->View on Google maps

I am greatly honored to be a CWops member. I would like to thank Steve, N4SJK for nominating me and Rocky, DD7CW; Glenn, VE3GNA; Rich, K1DJ; George, NE5A; Mike, KE8AQW and Frank. Also, I would like to thank Bill, W3PNM for teaching my CWA intermediate class and Mike, KE8AQW for teaching the advanced class. Everyone involved in the CWA should be commended for all they do for the art of CW.

My journey in amateur radio started back in 1967. Every Friday night I would listen to the local hams on my short wave radio. Things were going really good until the hams started using SSB instead of AM and I couldn’t understand them anymore. My Dad took me to a local ham and my journey began.

I joined the local club, The East River Amateur Radio Club, and learned CW and got my Novice call WN8WXB. My Elmer was Lee Brooks, K8BHG (SK). Lee was a man of few words but when it came to CW he had lots to say. After my Novice I had a break due to teenage days and military service.

I enjoy meeting new people through my radio, it really is a small world. I also enjoy the various contest and traffic handling.

When I’m not in the radio shack I enjoy biking with my wife Karen, N8PRQ and friends, along with walking, hiking and recently I have tried pickleball.

I have been around this hobby a long time and one can really educate himself through all the different aspects of the hobby. There is something different and exciting every time I turn the radio on. I will always love CW and thank you CWops and LICWC for your enduring support for the art of CW.

There is nothing like the sound of CW coming over the airways, CW Forever !

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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