I got my ticket on May 2018 as an Extra: AJ6CY. In September I got my IC7300 and by December Gary: NA6O helped me install an AV680 20ft up over the Garage. Since then I enjoyed DX, SOTA and got recruited as a contesting operator at N6RO. I belong to NCCC.
SOTA was moving slow with just SSB and I missed on a lot of contesting opportunities not knowing CW. Gary told me about CW Academy. I quickly enrolled and got a Bencher Keyer with a practice electronic Keyer. On April of 2019 I started Level 1 with Buzz AC6AC, September 2019 Level 2 with Ted WA3AER and finally Advanced Level January 2020 with Serge NS6W. I thank them greatly for the time and effort they put coaching students to become proficient CW operators.
Right after Level 1 I was proficient enough to be awarded Shack Sloth in SOTA as CW broaden the rate of QSOs available to me. After Level 2 I dipped my toes on some CW Contesting and in Level 3 I was all-in on CWTs. By December of 2019 I obtained my current vanity call sign: K6KM.
I am very excited about joining CWOps and want to keep improving my copying skills beyond 30wpm.
A big Thanks to all my sponsors and also to my contesting Mentors: Chris N6WM, Ken N6RO and Gary NA60. I also have to mention the constant support of my XYL and two boys: David (14) and Ethan (12). David actually learned to send my call sign at 45wpm!
See you on the air!
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.