I have always been fascinated by radio. In the fifties I got a 6-transistor radio for my eighth birthday back when every transistor was a huge deal. It was great fun to DX the broadcast band late at night. I built a crystal radio and was amazed that it could hear a station without needing a battery to power the receiver.
In middle school I built a Knight Kit Span Master regenerative receiver and spent hours listening to stations all over the world. My interest in radio and electronics led me to become a Hound Dog Missile Technician in the USAF and eventually an Associate Degree in Electrical Technology.
I had wanted to get my ham ticket for a long time and in 1988 I took classes with the 20/9 club and finally did. I bought a used Kenwood 430 and put up a dipole. It was enjoyable working CW in the novice sub bands and before the end of 1989 I had upgraded to extra class. Sun spots were plentiful and it was a great time to work DX.
The old Novice Roundup was my introduction to CW contesting and the Elmer’s that worked me were patient and helpful. I have enjoyed casually participating in contests ever since.
I worked as a Field Engineer on computer networks and banking machinery. The job and family took up most of my time until I retired in 2012 after 34 years. Ham radio has been a wonderful retirement pastime and I am never bored when in the shack.
My station consists of a Yaesu Ftdx3000, a Kenwood TS590sg, an OCF dipole at 30 feet, and a G5RV Jr. at 30 feet. A club presentation on LoTW got me back into chasing DX and I have been having a ball seeing what a CW signal can do with 100 watts and a wire. I don’t seriously contest but really like to get on fora few hours here and there. The CWT’s are lots of fun and great for testing out hardware and software. I also enjoy rag chewing and support both ARES and Skywarn.
Local clubs do a lot to promote ham radio and my ham radio experience has been enhanced by always being part of one. Club programs and activities have exposed me many different facets of our hobby. The friendships I have made are priceless. I am a VE with both the ARRL and W5YI. In the picture I am running CW on Field Day with the Mahoning Valley Amateur Radio Association. I would like to thank Hank W6SX for nominating me and K4WW, N6WIN, and NN5O for sponsoring me. I am excited to be part of an organization that is so effective at promoting CW and am hoping to meet all of you on the bands.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.