Pam Leahy, W0NF

CWops# 3008, from Tucson , AZ , USA.---->View on Google maps

I want to thank my OM, Bill K0MP for teaching me Morse code again, after many years off the air. Bill is a CWA advisor and I audited his Beginning and Intermediate classes, quietly listening in the same room as he was running classes and doing the same studies as the students. Bill is always encouraging me to get on the air and practice.

I am pleased that Hank, W6SX encouraged me to listen and join in CWTs after working him several times in the SST contests. I want to also thank Rob, K6RB for one great rag chew while participating in the “Giving Back” program of CWops. Thanks also go to N7US, Jim for nominating me and sponsors: K6RB, K5UV and K1EBY. I am honored to join such a wonderful club. I appreciate each and every contact I make.

My interest in amateur radio started when I was dating Bill. We married and we lived in an apartment and I saw Bill working a gentleman in MI on a wire hanging out the second story apartment window. They were having so much fun that I told him I wanted to learn too. He found a class for me at a local high school which taught beginning amateur radio. Many years later, we moved to Denver and I joined the Mile High DX Club. We had a much larger station then and I got interested in DXing and we went to Christmas Is (T32) for a DXpedition. At the current time I have 281 countries confirmed, the latest being Heard Is. I also have a WAS certificate.

We now live in Tucson, AZ in a HOA so are limited in the antennas we can inconspicuously erect. My other interests are reading, swimming and gardening.

Thanks again for everyone’s encouragement and I hope to improve my skills further by working many of you on the air!

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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