I was originally licensed on Long Island, NY (Novice ’67, General ’68) and operated using my Heathkit DX-60B and HG-10B VFO that I built plus a Hammarlund HQ-110A and dipole. I only operated a couple of years before going off to college. Life got in the way and unfortunately, I let my license expire. I had thought about getting back into the hobby a couple of times after that but just couldn’t seem to make it happen.
Fast forward to 2014: I started to think about what I would like to do in retirement. Ham radio was an obvious choice, so I jumped in with both feet and got my General Class license back. It didn’t matter to me that they removed the code test requirement, as I felt obliged to get to at least 13 wpm, (the requirement back in ’68 when I had taken my General exam in the big old FCC building in NYC).
When I upgraded to Amateur Extra Class a couple of years later, of course I again felt obliged to get to at least 20 wpm or I wouldn’t feel worthy, which I eventually was able to do.
After that, I set my goal higher and that’s where CW Academy really helped. I’d like to thank my instructor (Joe, KK5NA) and my classmates who encouraged me to get better. I feel a real sense of accomplishment being a CWops member as I continually try to become a better CW op.
I have a modest station now with a couple of Icom rigs and simple wire antennas (dipole, delta loop, EFHW). If you hear me on the air, please give me a shout!
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.