I work as a lawyer in Bergamo (northern Italy, not far from Milan).
I practice CW since 2003.
I belong to FISTS (#18103) and INORC (#656). My other calls are: N2FME (ex KD7YNT – extra cl.) and MM0FME. I operated as II2FIST (#18180), for the FISTS 30 years Anniversary (1987-2017). I’m the QRS Italian resp. for FISTS Club – but like HST too.
Rigs: Icom IC-7300 / Icom IC-910H / Yaesu Ft-817D fer portable QRP operations. Amp: Acom 1010. Ant.: Mosley 3 el. TM-33 (10 – 15 – 20), Windom (10 – 15 – 20 – 40 – 80 and WARC), HF3B vertical (40 – 80 – 160) and VHF / UHF log periodic.
Keys: Begali Intrepid, McElroy 1938B Standard, Vibroplex Deluxe series, Begali Sculpture SS, M.P. Pedersen 1920 pre – Amplidan, AMPLIDAN 50713, (heavy) Emilio Caimi, 1955 N.A.T.O. pump key, some Junkers, Begali postal and other Begali paddles, with a II WW keys little collection, too.
2 kids: Franz (7,5 yo) and Sten (2,5 yo) and a very patient wife (Anna,working as a medical doctor in Bergamo hospital).
There’s also a very “noisy” dog named “Cane” (“Dog”), making … QRM all the time.
QSL OK VIA BUREAU or DIRECT at my Italian address.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.