I’m from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. When I’m not playing radio, I’m practicing law and chasing after 3 daughters.
Thanks to Bud AA3B for nominating me and Honorable Judge Laney K4BAI, Bill K3WJV, and Charles K3WW for their sponsorships.
My career as a licensed amateur operator began relatively recently at the age of 35 with my technician in June of 2018 and general in October of 2018. I had no prior experience with ham radio or CW. However, after diving off into the hobby, it was evident to me that all the “cool kids” were proficient in CW. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and stumbled across WG0AT on social media. I instantly knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.
In 2019, thanks to patient instructors, I completed the Beginner, Basic, and Intermediate classes. I was thoroughly impressed with the program, the professionalism of the instructors, and their love for the art of CW. I cannot speak highly enough about the program, and I am quick to recommend it to anyone that’s interested. I hope to one day give back to the hobby just as my instructors did for me. Bill W0EJ, Phil W2OZB and Mark K5GQ, thank you.
I completed intermediate in October, and then my mother died a week later. Getting through the holidays was as anyone would expect it to be. But I vowed to return to my goals in 2020 and set my sights back on the mountains and SOTA. I made the New Year’s resolution to activate at least one mountain a month (which is rather difficult living near the Gulf Coast of Mississippi). As of the time of this writing at the end of March, I’ve already activated 8 summits, all by CW. A year ago, I couldn’t call CQ, and here I am now, thanks to the Academy, making Q’s in Belgium and France on 5W on the tops of mountains!
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.