I am licensed since April 2016. I wanted to be able to build simple transmitters and try them on the air, so I got licensed. When I was at school, my friends and I played with citizen band. One of them practiced Morse code for his license and that caught my interest. So, I learned CW, as soon as I had some use for it.
My rig is a TS520SE without keyer, so I started with a straight key. As I could go faster, I got a bug. I don’t do SSB or Digi-Modes a lot, since I can’t do it with my rig (SSB seems not to be working) and I am not interested that much anyway, though I like HELL now and then.
I have access to a club station that can even be operated remotely. Unfortunately, I can’t use it with a key from my home, but maybe that will be solved someday. I operate the station in contests and when I have a mind to and time permits.
While being on the air took more room, I didn’t experiment with HF to the extent I planned in the beginning. There are so many interesting aspects of ham radio, that I need some more years to dip into some of them. For the moment I am busy with my family and my job as a carpenter. Other hobbies like running or fishing are being neglected in favor of ham radio.
I’m happy to be a CWOps member; hope to see you on the air. The photo shows me at the beach in Netherlands doing CW with my junker SK.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.