Jim Klas , KF9VV

CWops# 2452, from Middleton , WI , USA.---->View on Google maps

Thank you Eric NM5M for the nomination and the others participated in the election process.

I was first licensed as an Amateur around 1992. CW became my main mode quickly, and by the late 1990s the contest bug had bitten. Then work responsibilities grew to the point where Amateur Radio activities were put on hold until my retirement.

In 2018 I retired from a career which covered much of telecommunications including Microwave, Satellite, Public Safety radio systems, Broadcasting and Government Program Management. I was the long-time chair of the PBS Next Generation Interconnect System project, chaired both the Public Safety and the original DTV submission committee for PBS. I also served on the State of Wisconsin IT Security committee and IT Directors Council for many years. I enjoy teaching and have spoken at numerous conventions on topics ranging from technology to management issues.

I first became aware of CWops two years ago through a conversation I had with CWops member when selling a Drake transmitter. I looked into the CW Academy at the time, but due to scheduling issues was not able to participate. I also looked deeper into CWops regarding the groups goals, and they aligned perfectly with my own thinking.

One more problem, I was nowhere near 25 wpm at that time, so off I went using Carlo Consoli’s methods of self-study. It worked for me. After two years of working at it, my speed came along just fine. I have managed to pick up a student who has also made great progress!

I enjoy CW ragchews. Now that my skills have come along, CW contesting has taken a larger part of my operating time. I plan on participating in CWT events regularly. I also participate in SKCC events and enjoy state QSO Parties.

My station is pretty modest; wire antennas in the trees, an ICOM IC-7410, N0SA paddle, Winkeyer and a mix of N1MM and N3FJP logging.

I am blessed with a wonderful wife and call Middleton, Wisconsin home. We do spend the warmer months traveling in a small RV, and I enjoy operating from the RV as an alternative to watching television at night.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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