Glen Johnstone , NK1N

CWops# 2812, from Hillsborough , NJ , USA.---->View on Google maps

First, I would like to thank the Academy…Wow! That works in this context!

The real thanks go out to my sponsors: Dave K1VUT, Greg WA3GM, Joe KK5NA, Chuck WS1L and Steve WX2S. I am very pleased to be a part of CWops.

I have been continuously licensed since 1974 when I received my Novice callsign, WN8SIV. After three trips to Detroit’s FCC Office, I upgraded to Advanced in the summer of 1975 (WB8SIV). Now that I had phone privileges, CW was left in the dust. Time passed as it likes to do. Moving to Connecticut in 1986 put me in touch with a couple of real CW operators: WB4FCC and KY1F. They inspired me to break through my 15 WPM wall and earn my Extra. Now being a fan of CW, I wanted a shorter callsign. The FCC acquiesced with NK1N in 1987.

During my 47 years as a ham, I have chased my IT career from the 8th (MI) to the 1st (CT), 5th (TX), 9th (IN, IL), 3rd (PA) and 2nd (NY, NJ) call areas. I have been a Life Member of the ARRL since 1978 and participated in a bit of everything ham radio has to offer. Since moving to NJ, I have focused on new activities. Well, new to me. These include: QRP, Pedestrian Mobile, Satellites, Fox Hunting and QRQ CW.

One Wednesday morning, I was trolling the band wondering about all those spikes that popped up on my panadapter. “What in the world is CQ CWT”, I thought. A quick Google search uncovered CWops – along with 10,000 other things. I tried my hand, literally, during a couple of CWTs only to realize my CW skills had waned over the years. CWA was there to fix that problem. CWA not only fixed that problem but introduced me to a group of very interesting people. During the two months of instruction where we practiced head copy and laughed more that I have in years, I learned that CWops is way more than a bunch of speedy hams. A few of my CWA classmates and I continue to meet weekly to laugh and practice. Yes, in that order.

This, of course, is all made possible by my loving and supporting XYL, Andrea.

I look forward to chatting on the air.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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