Gerry Kersus , W1GD

CWops# 2500, from Jefferson , MA , USA.---->View on Google maps

First, thanks to Pete, W1RM, for nominating me for CWops as well as all the friends who sponsored me.

My interest in radio started as an SWL around 1962. I soon discovered the world of ham radio and used to listen to some locals on 75 m AM. I tried several times to teach myself the code but failed each time. Finally, Br. Phillip Neri, CFX at St. John’s High School in Shrewsbury, MA taught me Morse code. I received my license for WN1FBX in August 1965. Armed with a couple of 80 m and 40 m xtals, I went on the air with my Knight T-60 and Hammarlund HQ-100. I used the surplus Navy flameproof key Br. Neri gave to his CW students. I still have and treasure that key.

In April 1966, I took my General test at the ARRL Convention in Boston. I soon began signing WA1FBX. Once I got my driver’s license, I joined the Central Mass ARA. In addition to my modest home station, I was active (maybe too active as indicated by my GPA) at WPI’s W1YK from 1967 to 1971. After earning my BSEE from WPI in 1971, I took a job in MD and, a few months later, got married. I spent the next several years operating my HW-101 mobile and, occasionally, out of apartments with invisible antennas. We moved to NJ in 1973. I upgraded to Extra in 1974 and traded in my call for W1GD in 1976.

We decided that the Jersey Shore was a nice place to live and bought our first house in Wall, NJ in 1978. I immediately put up my 4-BTV vertical and then my first tower and tri-bander. I continued to be more and more active in contests and joined Frankford Radio Club in 1990. In addition to contesting and DXing, I was active in local ARES & RACES. I supported numerous local public events and I worked at the NYC Marathon for 10 years. My son, Matt, joined me for the NYC Marathon events and eventually got his license and is now KC2GGA.

In 2013, I retired and moved back to Massachusetts. We found a great home on Eagle Lake in Jefferson, MA and I now have up the tower and KT-36XA that I moved from NJ. I’m once again active in the Central Massachusetts ARA and I’ve joined the Yankee Clipper Contest Club. I also volunteer as a letter sorter for the W1 QSL Bureau. I was a volunteer at WRTC 2014 where it was great to see so many old friends! While I try to do serious efforts in the CQWW and ARRL DX contests, I usually spend some time in other contests mostly low power CW.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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