First, thank you for accepting me into CWops. It is a great honour. Thanks to Vic VE3YT for nominating me, and for those who sponsored me. I’d also like to thank my CW Academy Intermediate advisor John AJ1DM, and my Advanced advisor, Joe KK5NA, for playing a big part in advancing my CW skills.
I currently work as a Software Developer for a large digital marketing agency, managing the infrastructure of their big data activities.
I had an interest in ham radio for quite some time, but only recently got my license in 2018. I was living abroad in Amsterdam and London for a number of years, and my living situation wasn’t conducive to antennas. My wife and I moved back to Canada in 2018, and that was a perfect time to get started.
My local club started a CW class (led by Vic VE3YT) in 2019. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to join, as my daughter was born a couple months prior, however, I credit this class in sparking my interest in CW. I started self-studying in March 2020, and I’ve never looked back.
You will find me in most of the major CW contests, as well as ragchewing. I hope to see you on the air!
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.