Colin Howe, G4RTJ

CWops# 2940, from Washington , Tyne & Wear , UK.---->View on Google maps

I am delighted and honoured to become a member of CWops, and I extend my thanks to Keith G0HKC, Chris G0JPS, Gopan M0XUU and to Ben PA2ST for their encouragement and friendship on the Advanced Course during April and May 2021.

Like many others, my interest in radio started while I was at school. I built crystal set receivers and then became an avid SWL, listening to English language commercial radio stations from around the world and becoming fascinated with the musical sound of CW.

A few years later, I studied and passed exams, learned the Morse code and eventually obtained my A license in December 1982. I was soon on the amateur bands with a homemade 10 m inverted vee loft dipole, an ATU and a second hand Yaesu FT101ZD. Fantastic!

Now after a 30-year break, during which I became a telecomms engineering manager on copper and fibre optic cable networks. I have relit my interest in amateur radio and am determined to improve my CW and general electronic knowledge.

Other hobbies over the years have included gardening, an ongoing necessity, photography and for a while I was a licensed glider pilot. After early retirement, I completed an arts degree, with honours, with the Open University in the UK. I was also a Magistrate, a lay Judge in the local criminal courts on behalf of the community for nearly 15 years.

My goal now is to maintain the standards of CWops, to improve my head copy and to attempt to meet you all in QSO’s or contests.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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