Chris Blake , NX4N

CWops# 1917, from Lutz , FL , USA.---->View on Google maps

· First licensed in Sept 1971 (age 11) as WN4YFF

· Upgraded to Advanced in 1973 as WB4YFF

· Don’t remember when I upgraded to Extra – probably about 1979-1980; changed call after that to NX4N

· Enjoyed so many different sides of our amazing hobby – EMCOM, Public Service, Traffic Nets and NCS, DXing, Homebrewing, VHF…and then the Contest bug bit – HARD!

· From about 1978 I have enjoyed Contesting with Doc N4WW, Duke N4SA, Red K0LUZ, Kevin N4KM and many, many more through the years.

· Have been to a few contest expeditions including HH2WW, PJ1W, VP5WW, C6AWW, J7A (J71W), and /4X, ZP, LU, KP2, KP4 and probably a couple I have forgotten.  Such a joy to be on the other end during a big contest – lottsa fun!

· I limit my hamming to just a few contests a year to emphasize family time with my wonderful wife and grown children (and first grandchild due Dec 2017!).  CW is my primary love and usually the only mode I operate.

· HUGE fan of the Florida QSO Party – have been Single Op + Driver with wife Lili at my side

· Even more crazy, in 2014-2016 FQP’s, I have had the honor of sharing a Multi-Multi-Mobile setup with N4BP, K0LUZ, N4KM, W4LT and KR4X.  Each of these years we made more than 3500 QSO’s (2015 was nearly 5000!) in just 20 hours of operating.  It has been a fantastic journey with my friends and a real technical challenge

· My favorite contest is ARRL SS CW – I have been fortunate enough to operate it the past several years at the Tampa ARC, whose members have kindly accommodated me.  Even made Top 10 and SE Division Plaque in 2015 – a first!

· Also love Field Day – again the past several years with Tampa ARC, but was also FD Chair for a few years with the Orlando ARC running class 6A.

· At one time I was very, very active at Orlando, was Vice-Chairman of Orlando HamCation; started a Middle School Electronics and Ham club, VE classes and exams, etc.

Want to end by thanking my own Elmers:  Kermit, K4XI and Buzz, W4UJL(sk).  You both were the BEST Elmers ever for this young teen – thank you so much for your selfless hours helping to teach me, take me to meetings, endlessly fixing my gear and antennas, etc.  I have tried to pay it forward 🙂

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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