Barry Merrill, W5GN

CWops# 3148, from Dallas , TX , USA.---->View on Google maps

Licensed as K4CSY at 13 in 1955, started Notre Dame K9VRU in 1958, completed six semesters and went to active duty in U.S. Navy as a Radioman, and operated maritime mobile SUBMERGED! Won Navy NESEP Scholarship to Purdue, finished BSEE, MSEE 1967, then to Nuclear Power School after commissioned, then to USS GATO SSN-615 in 1969.

Went to Woodstock, and then to Guantanamo Bay to run the charter airline and operate a LOT as KG4CS 1970-1972. In 1971 Solo Operation as K4CSY/KC4 from Navassa.

Left Navy 1972, joined State Farm HQ in Normal, IL , and changed to W9MVE callsign, commuted to Urbana on Honda CB500 to finish EE PhD, then moved to Dallas and W5GN call.

In 1984 created MXG Software product from PhD research when Judy, KA5PQD (real CW Novice), who had taught business college, said that she’d run the business and I’d write the code and she does and I do. MXG is used worldwide by IBM Data Centers to measure response time, utilization, security audit, etc. from SMF data, written in SAS. At State Farm, I was the first licensed user of the SAS System.

In 1985 Mexican Earthquake, made over 500 phone calls for folks in Mexico City that had no long distance service and were OK.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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