Amanda Plexico, KY4GS

CWops# 3208, from Sycamore , SC , USA.---->View on Google maps

On April 14, 2021, I passed all the written exams to become an Amateur Extra. In the Fall, I wanted to operate CW mode, so I studied Morse code and was on the air in less than 2 months. I joined a contest club and believe that contesting from the very beginning facilitated my progress by listening to higher speeds. I regularly participate in SSTs, MSTs, CWTs, state QSO parties and other contests. I had a wonderful time operating as K2L for SC in the 2022 annual 13 Colonies special event in CW mode. More recently, I discovered that I thoroughly enjoy ragchews, so outside of contests you may hear my CQ (or I might answer yours).

I am honored to be a member of CWops; I am grateful to those who nominated me and sponsored my membership; and I feel fortunate to be mentored by many experienced CW operators (too many to list). For me, becoming a member of CWops is a privilege and symbol of progress that I made. CW has become a passion for me, and I am thrilled by each QSO. I now try to share this thrill by guiding others as they learn Morse code, so that they too can operate in CW mode one day. I hope to make a difference for others and will never forget those who have patiently assisted me along my journey.

Other memberships include South East Contest Club, Long Island CW Club, Straight Key Century Club and ARRL. I am a member of two local clubs and regularly check into their weekly nets.

I grew up in a small rural farming town in SC surrounded by relatives, crops and cattle. Upon returning from school, I came to reside a few miles from my childhood home. My formal education is in mathematics, computers and philosophy. I have programmed, freelanced as a technical consultant, worked in IT (troubleshooting networks, software and hardware) and worked as a legal assistant. In my spare time outside of amateur radio, I like to cook, garden, enjoy nature and spend time with family/friends. Other hobbies include knitting, baking sourdough bread, dabbling in art and home-improvement projects.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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