Ned Mountain , WC4X

CWops# 2111, from Sautee Nacoochee , GA , USA.---->View on Google maps

I was first licensed as KN3IHT in 1959 at the age of 10, causing lots of TVI in Johnstown, Pa. Amateur Radio has played an important part of my career and my life. I was previously the President and COO of an Atlanta area satellite communications manufacturing company. My career has involved several companies including Motorola, UA Columbia Cablevision, and Wegener Communications. Multiple business trips to Australia resulted in obtaining the call VK2GCW. We lived in Switzerland for some time and I had the call HB9JBM in Canton Zug.

My wife and I built in our dream retirement QTH about 100 miles north of Atlanta in the North Georgia mountains.  We have 14 acres and no covenants–life is good!  

I am trustee for our 3 local club repeaters. (K4GAR). In 2013, finally applied for and received my DXCC certificates for CW, Phone, and Mixed!

Calls I have had during my ham career include: KN3IHT, K3IHT, W9MDE, W8KQI, N8NM, KG5S, VK2GCW, HB9JBM, and finally—WC4X.

I am active on HF and a little VHF and still favor CW–One of two direct digital inputs to the human brain.  (The other is Braille.)  I have worked 46 states and 33 countries QRP SSB from my bicycle in the early 90’s. Finally achieved 9 band DXCC (11/2017) and I’m proud to be a 20 wpm Extra.

Other activities include long distance bicycle touring, running, and kayaking.


· Elecraft K3s Transceiver

· Elecraft KX3 Transceiver

· Elecraft KPA 1500 Amplifier

· Cushcraft 8 element HF log periodic

· Tennadyne T 28 VHF UHF log periodic

· Dipoles for 80, 40, and 30

· T Top vertical with 4 elevated radials for 160

· W8GNM designed reversible beverage for LF receive.  This antenna, The Bev-Flex 4 is now being manufactured and sold by JK Antennas.  Check it out at

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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