Bill Gillenwater , K3SV

CWops# 1946, from Dade City , FL , USA.---->View on Google maps

I’m Bill Gillenwater, now living in Dade City, Florida. The picture is 10 years old, the only one I could dig up! Not as much gear as in the picture but still having fun in amateur radio. Playing with antennas and competing in some of the contests, especially in the winter months.

My first amateur ticket was while I was in the Army at Ft. Lewis, Washington. I think it was 1968 when I was issued WN7RBN as a novice. I used my Elmer’s Heathkit Apache, as well as a Heathkit DX-60 and my first purchase was a Hallicrafters 315 receiver. Back then it was crystal controlled for novice ops but I got to cheat a little using the Apache just to see what it was like to have a VFO on TX. I let the “7” call lapse and after my discharge I move to Pennsylvania, working for IBM.

I hooked up with a few hams that were giving a novice class in 1970 and in ’71 I got another novice ticket, KA3AGX. Since then I’ve held N3AOT and briefly KD3QH on my way to NY3G. My current call was issued back in 1995 or so through the vanity program. Liked the “SV” call because I was 95 percent a CW operator.

Moved to Florida from PA in 2014 and have slowly been getting back on the air. Antennas are a strain because of the neighborhood, although I have some antennas up in the trees. I guess I was spoiled with the 15 acres in the mountains. I could plant towers about anywhere I wanted, guess I can dream, hi, hi.

The CWops weekly contests have been a welcome happening for K3SV. I get to have a little fun and hook up with a lot of familiar call signs. Went through the nomination process and picked up a few sponsors on my way to joining the club. Looking forward to growing my CW skills.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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