Nacho Rubio , EA4OR

CWops# 2218, from Meco , Madrid , Spain.---->View on Google maps

First of all, I would like to thank the colleagues who have nominated and sponsored me, as well as all the members of CWops for their welcome.

I have been a radio amateur license since 1997 but even before, in my teens, I was very curious about the radio. In fact, when I was 16 years old, I built a small radio kit. I studied Industrial Electronics and I have been working for more than 20 years calibrating electronic equipment in the pharmasector.

In the world of radio, I have opted for telegraphy and within it, for DX and contests. One hundred percent of my QSOs are in CW. I can’t explain with words the satisfaction I have when I finish a QSO in CW. I feel a huge passion for telegraphy and radio.

For about 10 years I have been away from the radio for work reasons. Now I am in my second stage. It’s as if I had started over. I’m enjoying it more than the first time, maybe because of the difference in age. Now I value more my moments on the radio and enjoy more of the QSOs in CW.

I sincerely believe that I will never stop improving in telegraphy. You can always learn more and I have a lot to learn. I set small and achievable goals, which gives me more moments of satisfaction.

I hope that telegraphy never dies, I even hope it increases. Lately I see many SSB operators switching to the CW which is very good for us. Now we are in the worst moment of the solar cycle and it is clear that the propagation is not good for anyone, but still in telegraphy many DX can be done.

I have a very modest station. It consists of a Hexbeam antenna (6m to 20m) and a wire dipole for 40m. My radio is an Icom 7300 accompanied by its best friend an SPE Expert 1.3 K-FA. The software I use is: DXLabs and N1MM. I have a collection of old straight keys that I have been buying during all these years. But on my table I only have my beloved Begali 60th Anniversary.

I have a small web page where you can see photos, my online log, radio articles, etc. You can visit my webpage at Thank you very much again for accepting me in this great family and I hope to see you soon in the cw bands.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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