Ham since 1984. First time licensed in 1988 as OL1BVR allowed me to operate 160m band CW with 10W only. I am the CW operator only.
I like the Drake R4C, TenTec Omni V.9, TenTec Orions, Elecraft K1, K2, K3, KX3 and army green radios like RM31-a or PRC-320 radio sets. I enjoy collecting, restoring and operating an old / military equipment. My favourite paddle is MagSP made by OK1SP, original Mercury paddle #0062Y by N2DAN, AGA Chevron key jewel from Kevin, M0AGA and Hex key iambic paddle (Elecraft limited edition) from Bencher. I am testing the touch paddle P1PAD also. Most of my on-air activities are focused on 160m / Topband and low bands operation in general including the new 60m Tropical band. The main interests are receiving antennas and its accessories.
Other interests: high speed CW, paddles and keys, rag chewing, nostalgia and military radios collecting, radio backpacking, tracking, army history, Jazz, Buggy, Ragtime and mainly my son Jakub…
Before you ask: No, I am not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tuenti, MySpace or any other of so-called “Social Networks”. But I like to hear from you on wireless or via email.
QSL policy: Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only! (S.A.R.A. P.O.BOX 14, 900 31 STUPAVA, Slovakia)
Member of: FOC, VHSC, A1-OP, HSC, HACWG, OECWG, CCT, SKCC, CTC, GACW, A1Club, TBDXC and now I am proud member of CWOps.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.