Keith Radford , G3SZU

CWops# 2784, from Canforth , Lancashire , UK.---->View on Google maps

Hello fellow members, I’m so pleased to be a part of the group and so grateful to Bud AA3B for nominating me, Martin OK1RR, Adi PE2K and Frank K1EBY for sponsoring me.

I was born into a coal-mining family in Robin Hood country, Nottinghamshire in 1947 and at eighteen years old, left home to work in Nottingham for what is now BT (British Telecommunications). After college, university and moving around with my job, I finished up in Cambridge (UK) where we lived for many years. There I managed computing & network groups but eventually moved on to our National Health Service as a director. Upon my retirement, we moved northwards in 2001 and I was able to increase my amateur radio activity.

We now live on the northwest coast of England near the Victorian seaside town of Morecambe which gives its name to the Bay. I’m married to Barbara, who originally came from this area and we have five, grown-up children.

My interest in radio started at the age of ten when the school caretaker introduced me to crystal sets and helped me build one. From then on I was absolutely hooked on all things radio. I eventually took my exam and Morse test and got my full licence in 1964 as a sixteen year old schoolboy and I’ve been enjoying CW ever since. That’s fifty six years…I think I’m beginning to get the hang of it……some might disagree…!

I like doing particular CW contests and have a contest call-sign, M4X. I’ve recently discovered CWT and rediscovered CW rag-chewing which are both rather enjoyable. I operate from 160m thru 10m but don’t do much beyond 6m on VHF/UHF, although I am a member of the South Lakeland Repeater Group.

Besides amateur radio operating, I enjoy computing, homebrew constructing, all things technical and with Barbara, holidays. Barbara and I love cycling when the weather is good enough – living next to the Irish Sea can be a bracing and/or wet experience and I can sadly confirm the weather and temperature are nothing like Hawaii, where we make regular visits to see our friends – hence my KH6ZU call-sign.

I’ve a website which gives more incriminating details –

I’m really looking forward to making the most of my CWops membership – it’s rekindled my enthusiasm and I’m so pleased and honoured to belong to the club – I look forward to working you!

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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