I was first licensed in 1959 as K0TER. I let the license run out in 5 years and was re-licensed in 1972 as WB0HCK. After about 3 years I retrieved my original call, K0TER, via a special program the FCC had at that time (not the vanity program).
My first interest in Amateur radio has always been CW although I dabbled in RTTY in the mid ’70s. I have also been interested in the various sound card digital modes. I have also done some satellite work, CW of course!
I am an electric bass player as well as some guitar. I spent my working career first as a home entertainment service technician and then as electronic technician for a large electronic company. I’ve always enjoyed building “stuff” for the Ham shack which includes a 1 KW linear amplifier which I’ve used since 1976.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.