Tony De Longhi, HB9HSX

CWops# 3298, from Porza , Ticino , Switzerland.---->View on Google maps

I was born in 1980 and my interest in radio communication sparked during the early nineties when I began to listen to short waves. Some experience came also with CB radio, which was the coolest “social network” for a teenager at the time. I eventually passed my CEPT Class-A exam with Morse code proficiency at 8 wpm at the age of 21.

I was first licensed with the call IZ3ESV (from 2002 to 2010) and later changed to IZ2ESV (between 2011 and 2022). In July 2022 I relocated to Switzerland following a new job assignment (I work for a Swiss Bank) where I was issued with the call HB9HSX. I also have a British callsign (M0HES).

I am also member of USKA, Maritime Operators Radiotelegraphy Service (MORSE), FISTS, Helvetia Telegraphy Club, AGCW, R-CW-C, JARL A-1 Club, SKCC, Oceania DX Group, Pacific DXers and World Wide Young Contesters Hall of Fame.

Since the beginning I enjoyed ham radio under several aspects, in particular DXing and contesting. However, it soon became clear to me that CW was the most efficient and affordable way to chase rare countries and to stay in the playground for a penniless student without amplifiers, towers and large beams. Since then, I spend 99% of my time on the air trying to increase my code skills.

During the years, I was lucky enough to be a member of some international DXpeditions like VK9LA (2009), 9N7MD (2011), TM1F (2012), IM0MA (2013), TK1R (2014) and IB0X (2015). I joined some world-class contest stations and teams as a guest operator, but I soon left the contesting arena since competition is not exactly my element.

I have a quite “conservative” view of ham radio. I have nothing against progress and technology, but I definitely dislike those fancy digimodes which are intended for machines rather than human beings.

Currently I hit the air with an Icom IC-7610 and some very simple antennas. Being a ham in Switzerland means being engaged into a permanent struggle to keep antennas small, efficient and stealth. But, hey: it’s part of the fun! I usually work with paddles and a vertical Marconi 213, both made by I1QOD. Sometimes I plug-in the commercial-grade Katsumi EK-160 which is still a true joy to squeeze.

Besides ham radio, I am an avid history books reader and I love to listen to good music with my high fidelity system (and guess what: I am still stuck into those old CDs and LPs!). I am married with Maddalena, a wonderful and indulgent lady who knows the difference between a vertical, a dipole and a Yagi: what else could I ask for?

All in all, this great hobby provided me a lot of fun, great experiences, a bit of adventure and – above all – a lot of friends.

Amongst these, I would like to mention one of my sponsors, Fabian DJ5CW. We met for the first time in Croatia in July 2003 during a WWYC event and despite his young age, he was already a top notch CW operator. I consider his sponsorship to join the club as a sort of “graduation”.

But at the same time, I must send also my warm TNX to Theo SV2BBK – who enthusiastically supported my nomination, as well as to Enzo M0KTZ (for his inspiring QRP CW) and to Ini EA6EJ (for his kind and faultless Morse-talking on 30 m band). Thank you all, gentlemen, for making my membership become reality!

And “to all the other ships ashore and at sea” (like the good old Marine Radio Service used to broadcast) see you soon in the 25 wpm “comfort zone”.

Until then… take care and long live CW!

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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