Hello and glad to be a new CWops member.
I got licensed back in 2000 but didn’t really get started in ham radio until 2019. I enjoy mostly CW but dabble in other modes as well. I have a collection of some boat anchors (Heathkits 301/401, DX60) that I hope to get on the air at some point. The mainstays are my Kenwood TS2000 and my Elecraft KX3. I have enjoyed some nice QRPp. Lot of fun and so far my lowest power was 50 mA. The camaraderie of ham radio and the support has been great!
In addition to Ham radio I also collect vintage synthesizers and instruments from around the world. My main instrument is the piano. Playing classical and some ragtime. Also enjoy studying jazz piano and meddle with that as well. I must say that the CW Academy really helped get my speed up and it was a lot of fun taking part in the classes and listening and sharing stories with my fellow hams.
As of last year, I got started in running my own special events. So I hold 2 annually, W1T/DOT and W1E/Elmer. The first one is in honor of my father who had a trucking business for years and was a “truck nut” much like hams are, hi hi. The 2nd one I had is with several ops and it is in honor of all mentors in ham radio.
On that note I must mention a few hams who have helped me out. Steve N1OAB, first Elmer and who has answered countless emails. All my CW class mates but special thanks to Hanz YL3JD my instructor in my first class and AA2IL classmate/instructor whom both have listened to my questions and emails on my CW progress. Lastly the guys who nominated me, AA2IL, YL3JD, NJ7V, N7AUE. Can’t forgot my XYL-Lisa who puts up with the dots and dits and always listens to my latest DX catch! Hope to work you at some point in CWT or hopefully in a ragchew.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.