I’ve been a licensed Ham since 1991 and issued Canadian callsign VE3WNS Advanced. Joined Cathay Pacific in 1997 as 747 flight crew based in UK. Issued UK callsign M0CEL. Now retired and splitting my time between Toronto and the UK. I’m enjoying getting back up to speed in ham radio after a long hiatus with main interest being CW.
Toronto equipment: Icom 7300, Yaesu FT 891. Amp Supply linear amplifier. Antennas include MFJ 1775 rotatable dipole and HyEnd wire antennas mounted on 8th floor condo balcony in downtown Toronto. Keys, Begali Sculpture and Simplex iambic and Begali HST single paddle.
UK equipment: Yaesu FT 1000D, Kenwood 940, Command Technologies HF 2500 linear, Heathkit SB1000 linear (assembled by me in 1991). Current antennas inverted V for 40m and a 20m delta loop. I am planning on installing a 2-element cubical quad on my 40 foot tower in near future. I’ve had a Lightning Bolt 2 element cubical quad in the past and it was an excellent performer.
Just completed CWOPS Advanced CW course which was excellent.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.