First a big thank you to Raoul, ZS1C who nominated me and to K7SV, K1EBY and F5IYJ who supported my nomination,
I was authorized as FD1PLC in 1990 at the age of 39, and I had learned CW for the license, mainly with audio cassettes at home or in the car radio, only for access to the HF bands in order to make mostly DX contacts.
After a few months of QSO SSB I did not really feel radio amateur if I did not practice the CW, so it was a new learning and training to achieve standard QSO and understand what was happening in the competitions and DX. It was very fast, far too fast. . . but by dint of listening and perseverance I improved.
I discovered CW in QRPp during my summer holidays 1992 with a homemade TRX delivering 600mw on 20m in a ¼ wave antenna made on a fishing rod. It was a revelation because I did not think the DX was so easy with such small means. 55 DXCC including VK, C9, VE USA, EA9, 5A. in 3 weeks. What encouraged me, after the holidays, to make an antenna of 2.15m to make QSO rolling on the way to work. Less easily than at the seaside, but it allowed me to progress by giving up the pencil and the paper. Now I do not do CW while riding, my wife does not want.
The discovery of the RUFZ program allowed me to improve my speed.
In 1993 I got the call F5PLC
From 1990 to 1998 I also used a TS520 and since 1998 I use a TS850S. Having started with dipoles on 10 and 20m, I then used a Windom and since 1994 a 4 elements triband and various verticals home made for 30 to 80m bands and 78m long wire.
My power is usually 50W with the TS850, 100W in competition or hunting new DXCC, but also from 100mw to 5W with a small K2 or 1.5W to 3W with a KX1 when I’m in a laptop.
I participate in some competitions for fun and sometimes a little more seriously either as a single operator or multi-operators at the Marconi VHF or with my friend Mario FR4QT when I’m on vacation at my daughter in Réunion island
I’m trying to convince Mario to use the CW, and also his girl to learn it as well as my friends forgetting the CW by preferring SSB or digital modes.
My second hobby is also watching and photographing birds.
I still have a lot to say, it would be long.
Looking forward to meeting you on the air and thank you again for the honor you make me.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.