Mark Hill , KI2N

CWops# 2730, from Lafayette , NY , USA.---->View on Google maps

First, I would like to thank my fine CWA Instructors: Gary Johnson(N8LR), Dennis McAlpine(K2SX), Bill Devore(W3PNM) and Buzz Tarlow(AC6AC) who took me from zero CW experience to almost being competent! I would also like to thank all of the Practice Session leaders and the other students who participated in the sessions with me.

I was trained as an Electrical and Computer Engineer (MSEE) and later added an MBA. I first worked at GE where I developed Sonar and Radar electronics for the US and UK. It was very interesting and technical work but the products I designed were only built in 10 to 100 quantities and were very expensive. While working on my MBA, I switched to the commercial side and joined UTC-Carrier where I designed electronics for residential A/C and heating systems as well as commercial and transport A/C and refrigeration systems. I enjoyed this as Carrier is very international and the products I designed sold in the 10,000 to 1,000,000 units/year range. Costs, manufacturability, and customer requirements made this interesting. I moved into management (my downfall?) but then left UTC-Carrier and opened a consulting business where I was able to work on many interesting projects like medical, automotive, and low power wireless electronics. This was nice as I only worked on things that interested me. I have now (almost) retired and spend my time with various hobbies.

Ironically, I am a rather new ham, only being licensed in 2018. I was simply too busy. I will also admit that I had a huge aversion to learning CW back in the days when it was required. Stupid me! CW is the mode I use almost exclusively! Why? I don’t know, maybe because it is magical to communicate with someone far away using almost no power and simple electronics if you choose to. Or ramp up the power and gear and talk to the world. Contesting is fun but communicating is also interesting.

I enjoy CW contesting (newbie), DX, and rag chewing. I also like building electronics and antennas. I do like QRP when I’m not being lazy, it’s hard sometimes!

Other interests I have are sailing, fishing/power boats, running, scuba, music-guitar and piano, woodworking, remodeling, travel…

I look forward to meeting you all on the air. I also hope to give back a little by volunteering to teach a bit.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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