Juan R. Valera Seoane , EA1X

CWops# 2562, from Fene , Lacoruna , Spain.---->View on Google maps

Thanks for letting me be part of this wonderful meeting point for telegraphy lovers.

My first Technician license, EB1BXW, for frequencies of 144 MHz and higher was in 2004. With that callsign I made many operations in portable in national contests and IARU. I also enjoyed the privileged situation of my QTH, in the Northwest part of the Iberian Peninsula, where Tropospheric ducts are quite common with the British, Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands.

Concerned about high frequencies, I applied for and obtained the EC1AGU callsign. This callsign is for novice in EA land. Following EA legislation, I kept both callsigns for the mandatory 6 months so that I could apply for the EXTRA license.

During this period, the Spanish administration decided to change the way to access to radio amateur licenses. Regrettably, the process was delayed and there were no tests for EXTRA class. I decided then to make a request to the administration for the request for an EXTRA class callsign, since from the 3 parts of the test, they had removed the CW transmit and receive part, the part of station management was common to all licenses and the electrotechnical part was validated with my studies. I also provided easily with the 500 contacts requested as a novice to access EXTRA CLASS.

The EA callsign was granted to me, thus being the last EA graduate before changing the legislation. I was assigned EA1BLX callsign. From that moment on I stopped using EC1AGU.

As EA1BLX I started practicing a modality that later I would fall in love with: Competition radio. I am an active contester ever since. Although I practice all modalities, telegraphy it is my passion. Since then more than 85% of my log is telegraphy.

I kept this callsign until October 2008. I applied for and got a shorter callsign: EA1XT.

I requested a special CALLSIGN for highly competitive contests (EF1A) with which I have done more than 100k QSO in major contests and His Majesty the King of Spain contest amongst others.

In January of this year the Spanish administration finally agreed to grant vanity callsigns with suffix of a single letter. To obtain it you must accredit with QSLs the practice of DX during the last 15 consecutive years. I requested it and got EA1X which is my current callsign.

I have:

– DXCC mixed, CW, Phone and digital, and 8 single bands 10-12-15-17-20-30-40-80 not requested.

– 5 DXCC bands (not requested, all will be requested when obtaining the 9 DXCC bands)

– 5 bands WAS

– 5 bands EA DX100 CW (number 61), more difficult because the same 100 entities must be accredited in 5 bands. XXX check format

As for Contest, I have been part of multi-multi, multi two and multi single: EA2EA, ED1R, EA5KM, EC2DX, EA2RY, EF2X and several year part of EF4HQ National team in IARU HF contest. Lately, I am a regular operator of EC2DX.

I am also part of the ED1K team, where we participate in the IOTA contest from ONS ISLAND (EU-080). Last year in M2 category we got the 1st place worldwide.

Out of contest I also integrate AM70, AM150 and last AM1WARD sponsored by URE.

A bit of my little pistol station:

ANTENNAS: OB11-3, OB2-40, DOUBLE BAZOOKA and VERTICAL for 80m. Inverted L for 160. OB2-4 for 12-17 and rotatable dipole for 30. Inverted V for 60m (only 15W here in EA land).

I also have 2M5X for 6 m. 2M5WL and 432M38WL.

Equipment: 2 Elecraft K3, Main SO2R position

ICOM IC-7600 – ic-756 PRO3 secondary SO2R position.

IC-910H for U-VHF

TS-480SAT for remote (working in progress at this time hi hi)

ACOM-1000 and ACOM-600S XXX check format

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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