First call sign was KN6QQB in 1955 then moved up to General and dropped the “N”. Joined the US Army in 1959 and spent time in Germany as DL4TU and chief opr at club station DL5AU (Augsburg Germany). Lived in the midwest for a while so changed my call to W9JWD. Returned to California and was issued W6LEN in 1969. Native Californian but I have operated from XE, 4U1ITU and also from HV3SJ.
I operate only CW. yes I tried SSB during the ARRL NPOTA activity and was not impressed no so I returned to the tried and true mode of CW. SKCC # 14017, Other activities are cycling (as in on a bicycle). That’s me and my daughter Julie in the picture.
I use E-QSL as well as the buro, LOTW and Club Log, but my days of “impressing” people with “wall paper” have long since passed. wink I have just started uploading my logs to Club Log.
Retired from Grumman Aircraft and have all of the time in the world to chase DX and contest (mostly cherry picking). Moved in to an “over 55” community so couldn’t put up big antennas or run high power. Running 100 watts (Icom IC-746PRO) and a vertical. Still able to work my share of DX and have fun in contests.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.