1960, when I was 14 years old, my grandfather gave me the book “SOS at Midnight” for Christmas. This exciting amateur story was probably the beginning of my enthusiasm for this hobby. The second book by the same author, “DX brings Danger”, confirmed my enthusiasm for radio technology. Both books are in my bookshelf waiting for my grandson.
I learned CW in 1966/1967 during my military service in a signal corps and got my license and callsign HB9AJY in 1967. After this time, I was a very active ham until 1987, operating most exclusively in CW, and took part in many single and multi-operator contests. From 1987 to 2018 I was engaged in other activities, taking care of family and professional career. That’s why all my ham equipment (Drake TR7) was stored in a cabinet at attic. After retirement I was looking for some activities for long winter days. So, I refurbished the TR7, erected a new 6-band groundplane in my backyard and refreshed my CW skills. At January 2nd 2019, I was ready for my first QSO since more than 30 years.
Attending a USKA Academy lecture on DXing, held by the best HB-DX-Cracks, I learned about modern DX operating using sophisticated hard- and software. This eye opener was a welcome kick to buy some new state of the art equipment.
Today my station includes FlexRadio 6400M, PA Expert 1.3k-FA and Xiegu G90 for my Motorhome. Logging software is LOG4OM and N1MM+ for contests. I very much enjoy scanning the bands for new DXCC and participate in most major CW contests. My passion is CW and I love ragchewing. The CWT test on Wednesday is part of my weekly schedule.
I am member of USKA (Union of Swiss Shortwave Amateurs), AGCW-DL #4124, HTC #374, CWops #2672 and SDXF.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.