Francis Lopez , EA3FZT

CWops# 2560, from Cuebelles , Barcelona , Spain.---->View on Google maps

I would like to thank Bud AA3B, for nominating me and also to John K8AJS, Ignacio EA4OR and Keith GW4OKT for the sponsorship.

When I was a child I liked to listen to shortwave radio stations, it was fascinating to hear stations so far away with the mysterious fading. When I was 15 years old, at the institute where I studied electronics, a friend told me that his cousin was talking on the radio with America (wow!) and we introduced to the world of CB. It didn’t take me long to get interested in CW by practicing it on 11 m with friends and listening the traffic of the hams on 10 m band.

I got my novice license (EC3CLB) in 1985 and the A class (EA3FZT) in 1987. When I was novice, I really liked to listen/learn about the coastal CW traffic with the boats. In the late 90’s, due to the circumstances of life, (I moved to another house and the birth of my daughter) kept me away from the radio for ten years. One day, in 2009 and coinciding with another move, I unpacked my old FT101ZD, hung up a wire and started listening to CW. It seemed that time had not passed. I took it again with the same illusion of the first day.

My interest in radio, besides the CW QSO’s, is contesting, making electronic projects, making antennas and repairing some old equipment for my own use and making some DX when the propagation leaves us.

My profession is electronic technician and I work in a University research lab of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

My other great hobby is road cycling, which I do every weekend (if there is no contest, hi hi).

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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