Erwin Rauh , DL1FY

CWops# 2636, from Moosinning , Bavaria , Germany.---->View on Google maps

I was born in 1965 and I live in a little village approx. 25 km east of Munich.

Since I was young, I was fascinated from the radio technic and shortwave

As with many of us, my way led first to shortwave listening and CB radio, then studying communication engineering with focus on RF-Technology.

I am particularly interested in the DX on shortwave, on QRP operation, antenna technology and on satellite radio operation. Another focus area is on restoration of historical radio receivers and transmitters and the reuse of these wonderful devices for amateur radio. There is also a Historical Fieldday, which takes place every year south of Munich in the first week of September.

Above all other things in our hobby, the new software defined radio (SDR) technology offers us amateur radio operators new and surprising possibilities to develop and build our own transceiver. For example, in our local Radio Club in Erding, there we have a very nice SDR project. If you are interested in what we are currently developing, you can just search for ‘Charly25 SDR’ on the Internet.

But no matter whether with historical or modern SDR transceivers, the fascination for Morse code was and still is there. For me Morse code is much more, it is a kind of passion and anyone who has ever managed to learn this ‘melodic language’ will be fascinated by it for a lifetime. A melodically given CW-QSO with a straight key is like playing a violin. That is why it is important to me to promote this mode of operation and to bring telegraphy closer to young people and beginners.

I am happy to be part of the CWops Club and looking forward to meet you on the amateur bands.

……..don’t forget …… CW makes you happy……

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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