Don Field G3XTT (also AB1UO having, carelessly, let my previous and more appropriate NK1G callsign lapse). Live near Henley-on-Thames (famous for its annual regatta), about 30 miles west of London. Licensed 1968 and have been active at one time or another on all bands 160m through 70cm. However, main interests are DXing and contesting, with a focus on CW and on the LF bands. Married with two grown-up children and two grandchildren. Worked in telecomms for 30+ years and now semi-retired but edit Practical Wireless magazine (a sort of UK equivalent to CQ Mag). Enjoy travel, especially DXpeditioning or more casual operating from abroad. Home station changes from time to time but currently have IC-7300/Expert amp plus K3/P3/KPA500. 60ft mast currently supporting 204BA and wires. Use a Begali paddle that I won in the CW pile-up competition at the LADX Group gathering in Norway! Am currently President of CDXC (the UK DX Foundation), Treasurer of FOC and belong to a number of other radio-related clubs (not least RSGB, ARRL, UKSMG).
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.Don Field , G3XTT
CWops# 1874, from Henley on Thames , DX , England.---->View on Google maps