Dave Wise , KM3A

CWops# 2611, from Mission Viejo , CA , USA.---->View on Google maps

It is such an honor to be given CWOps Member #2611! I would like to start by thanking Ryan, NN7M, who facilitated CWA Level 1, and Rob, K6RB, who facilitated CWA Intermediate. I would also like to thank both Hank, W6SX and Roberto, K6KM for sponsoring my membership, both of whom have heard me improve dramatically over time.

I began my amateur radio journey a short time ago in March of 2018. My intended goal was to facilitate emergency communication while hiking or rock climbing in the wilderness out of cellular coverage. Through some internet research, I discovered SOTA, or Summits on the Air, which is an award scheme that grants points for making amateur radio QSOs from designated summits. After upgrading my license class to general, I met my current mentor Scott, N0OI, who has taught me quite a bit about the hobby. On one summit, I remember struggling to make QSOs on SSB because the conditions were poor. I looked at Scott’s log and saw he had made double or triple the number of contacts I had made and was carrying significantly less gear. This led to my interest in CW and the discovery of CWops and the CWA. Now CW is my favorite and almost exclusive mode utilized on the air. My home station is limited because of HOA, so I utilize my newly acquired ICOM 7300 at 100 W and a wire dipole connected to a fishing pole on my balcony. On the trail, I utilize a Yaesu 891 on easy hikes or an MTR5b on more remote and involved expeditions.

Aside from amateur radio, I am a Marine Corps veteran who deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan first as a Light Armored Vehicle Crewman (6 years) and as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (bomb) Technician (4 years) from 2003 to 2013. I have a BA degree in Emergency and Disaster Management from American Military University, and a master’s degree in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership from the University of San Diego. I currently work as a financial crime investigator for the County of Orange.

My hobbies include home brewing, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, 4×4 offroad expeditions, and Summits on the Air. I look forward to being an active member of CWops and also look forward to giving back and advising a Level 1 class in the future. Thanks again to CWops, my advisors, and sponsors, I’m very proud of my CWops number.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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