I was first licensed in 1979 after passing my Novice Exam as administered by my late Elmer K9INX. The next year I upgraded to Technician; then after improving my code I took the Morse exam at 13 WPM to achieve my General and a new call N9CGO. Taking my Advanced just a few years later I stayed there and was pretty inactive until 2008. In 2012 I changed my call to W9DCA and upgraded to Extra in 2016 – just recently being awarded a shorter more CW friendly call KC9K.
I primarily work all HF bands CW, Digital and phone in that order. I compete in most US and International DX contests and search out new DX in between. I’ve achieved DXCC, WPX and WAS awards.
I became active in CW Ops and CWT’s after I completed my Level 3 Academy to improve my sending and copying skills thanks to Joe KK5NA. After a few CWT’s I was fortunate to get a nomination from Larry K7SV.
I’m now a Life Member of CWops #1875, Life Member ARRL, and Member of Society of Midwest Contesters and CIDXA.
Professionally I own and operate a healthcare administrative consulting firm work mainly in regulatory and financial areas. Prior to moving into administration I was a Bio Medical technician in a local hospital and an Electronics Communications Technician in the USAF. I’m married and have four children ranging in ages from 16 to 28. When not spending time with my family and radio hobby I am an avid fly fisherman and proud Harley Davidson Owner.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.