Bob Seidel, ND2O

CWops# 3347, from Oak Island , NC , USA.---->View on Google maps

I am 76 years old, long retired. In 1962 I joined the radio club at my high school in Passaic, NJ which led to the local CD/RACES group and the Knight Raiders VHF Club. We did a lot of VHF contesting, although back then it was 6 m and 2 m AM (Clegg and Gonset)! I got my General Class license as WB2CRV a year later.

After toying with surplus stuff, I realized that I needed a better RX and bought a new Drake 2B. All my gear in the 60s was home built except for a kit Eico 722 VFO: three AM/CW transmitters, two keyers, a 2 m to 10 m downconverter and other stuff. I was mostly a CW op back then. My keyer paddle was two micro-switches mounted horizontally; I would key using two fingers – crude, but it worked.

I received a BSEE from Newark College of Engineering, and then MSCE (Computer Engineering) from Syracuse.

In the 70s I worked for IBM in the Kingston NY area. My station was the Drake C-Line separates and a Heath SB-200 amp to a Mosley TA-33 at 40’. This was a great station, and I worked a lot of DX. In the 80s due to job considerations, I got out of HF but continued VHF work and got involved in the local 2-meter FM Packet Cluster. I developed my own cluster client software, FlexPac, which I marketed through the middle 90s – I even had an ad in the NCJ!

Incentive licensing caused me to get my Amateur Extra Class license in 1978 and I got the call ND2O. It’s a bit of a tongue twister on phone, but has a nice rhythm on CW. I am proud to say that I am a true “20 WPM at the FCC office” Extra!

In 1992 I took a transfer to Raleigh, NC and retired in 1999. My wife and I moved to “the beach” in Oak Island, NC and have lived here ever since, enjoying the good beach life. I have two daughters and five grandchildren, no hams though.

My current station is an IC-7610, Elecraft KPA500 and a ZeroFive vertical. My key is a Begali Pearl. My QTH is on an island and surrounded by salt water with a great shot directly over water to EU and SA. I also have a Xiegu G90 that I use portable on my golf cart at island parks. We enjoy bicycling the island and walking the beach.

I have always been an active CW op, about 75% of my QSOs now. I enjoy ragchewing and will always take the time to work any station and slow down my CW when needed. I rarely do FT8, mostly when needed for new DX.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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