Bob Higgins , K4LW

CWops# 2717, from Rockledge , FL , USA.---->View on Google maps

First thanks to Buz, AC6AC, for nominating me, and to my sponsors.

I first heard about ham radio at the age of 13 when I got a book from the school library called “SOS at Midnight” written by Walker Tompkins, K6ATX. It was a story about a high school age ham operator and his adventures. The idea of talking to people all over the world on the radio fascinated me. Soon after my best friend came up with the idea of each of us getting CB radios. I said ham radio sounded even better. We studied the ARRL license manual and practiced the code and got our Novice licenses. My call was WV2KJV. A few months later I upgraded to general and my call changed to WA2KJV.

As a Novice I was limited to CW, mostly on 40m with my crystal controlled Globe Chief 90, and I was hooked. Handling CW traffic was a favorite. Remember “Radiograms via Amateur Radio” and the Brass Pounders League?

Then came college. No time for ham radio. The 5-year term of my license expired. Then came starting a career, marriage, raising a family. Again, no time for ham radio.

Then in 2000 the bug bit me again. I was relicensed as KG4LDO. Wanting a shorter call for CW I got the vanity call KO4E. That call just didn’t work out. The single dit at the end kept getting lost at the receiving end and I got many “KO4?” return calls. That’s how I came to be K4LW.

Although my station is HOA impaired I still have fun. I enjoy DX and contesting, almost all on CW. CWT is a highlight of my ham radio week. I look forward to meeting more CWops on the air, both in CWT and for rag chews.

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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