Let me first thank Roger G3LDI for nominating me and Jim G3YLA, Tom AB6Z, and Emil I5EFO for sponsoring me.
Having taken part in a CWT a few weeks ago, my first impression was the speed with which QSOs were conducted! Getting up to 30wpm will be a challenge and I hope Roger’s faith in me has not been misplaced!
Joined the Royal Navy at fifteen as a communications rating and spent the last fifty-seven years meandering through life’s rich tapestry, finally retiring at sixty five, having spent the last six years and probably the most rewarding, as a class room assistant caring for children with special needs.
It would be fair to say that I am no master of radio theory and my pleasure in amateur radio is almost entirely in operating. This may sound like heresy but let him without sin cast the first stone.
Only joking! Apart from general DX work, I take part in the RSGB’s 80m contests where we are forced to use SSB and RTTY/PSK….I know, horror of horrors. Then there’s FT8, I can hear the intake of breath as I typed FT8, oh! no! Actually, I have dabbled in the dark side but in my defence, it was only for academic research.
What I really enjoy is portable or mobile. My favourite spot is Walcott Beach, just five minutes from me and the other is a pub car park just down the road, right on the sea front. Had good results on 10w. That nice saltwater makes all the difference or is it the beer? Well, it’s fun whichever way.
Amateur radio is fun and when it isn’t, I’ll stop. Looking forward to meeting you all on the airwaves at some point and remember, QRS to 25wpm.
2E0OBO . . . . . . . . . . Sooooooooooo many dah’s……now, which dah was I on?
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.