Bill Alpert , KG6NRV

CWops# 2639, from Morro Bay , CA , USA.---->View on Google maps

I don’t remember much from my younger years growing up in California. But I clearly remember my first shortwave receiver, a simple Hallicrafters S-120. With my radio, a long string of speaker wire strung out my bedroom window, and I was hooked for life. But lack of finding a local Elmer and eventually a busy life in the printing industry kept me away from my dream of a Novice license. Many years later, I managed to learn the code to 5 wpm and passed my Tech and General exams in 2002. I put up a vertical and found a used IC-746, made myself a basic ham shack.

Still, as a business owner and also as a professional musician (playing the violin in symphony orchestras), I found little time to purse my ham radio hobby. Not until I retired did the ham radio become a possibility. My reawakening came in May 2019 when out on a hike, I stumbled upon a young ham running CW on a KX3 from a hilltop. At that moment I fell for the hobby hook, line and sinker.

I spent months drilling Morse code on my own. Finally, I came upon CWA and immediately applied for the Intermediate class with K6RB, Rob Browenstein. Under his guidance I began to head copy, eventually reaching 15 wpm. I continued at CWA under Ed Parsons, K6HP. Ed help me improve my sending tremendously. I plan to continue learning the code, with a goal of being able to head copy in ragchews at 30 wpm or better. I’m so thankful to CWOps for all of the amazing resources that have been made available.

Beyond radio, I’m a husband, father and avid long-distance cyclist. I love all photography and all things tech. I continue to perform and teach the violin. I look forward to my membership in CWOps and making many new friends. Please look for me on the CWTs; you might have to listen carefully because I’m running barefoot!

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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