I was born in Hamburg north Germany.
I was licensed as DK9HE at 18 years old in 1975 after a nice time as SWL. At the beginning with a homemade Heathkit HW101 I was in SSB QRV only. From time to time I tried CW with my Junker hand key but that wasn’t the big pleasure at that time.
Later in the late 90s I discovered more and more CW for me as the mode that was much more fun.
Today my home station consists of an K3 P3 and double Zepp for 80 m-30 m and a 5 Band Opti Beam for 20 m-10 m.
Apart from Ham Radio, I also enjoy biking and photography. In the last two years I was active in February as V31HE from Belize.
On the bands I found so much nice CWops from the states so consequently now I’m a bit proud to be with you. Looking forward to meeting you on the bands.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.