I would like to thank my advisors and the sponsors who have trained and sponsored me towards the membership of this group of very special individuals, I am very grateful to you all!
I got my HAM license in 1989 and passed my CW exams in 1991. After that I tried to make a CW QSO but failed. That was it for me; I switched over to SSB.
Since I never stopped working QRP and MM from our sailing yacht, I wanted to expand my options and decided to start all over from scratch with CW and so I joined the CW Academy in 2017.
Alex PA1FOX has been a very inspiring advisor throughout my level one and two classes, who helped me to overcome my fears and make real CW QSOs on the air. His helpful notes are still on the wall in my shack (I don’t need them anymore but they are good memories now).
I joined the level three class in 2019. I enjoyed the interactive meetings with my fellow students and advisors Keith G0HKC and Chris G0JPS, who made me feel more confident in mastering the code.
To me, CW has become more than just a mode; it’s a way of life and I like every bit of it.
At home I run a Yaesu FTDX3000 and on board I run a Kenwood TX480SAT. During the field trips I make, I run a KX3.
In my professional life I sail on vessels all over the world and I try to take the KX3 with me on my trips. During my time off I am QRV MM from our sailing yacht “Zeeroos”.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.