Hal Østtveit , LA1IO

CWops# 2651, from Algard , Rogaland , Norway.---->View on Google maps

Hello CWops members!

Thank you for letting me in to your exclusive club.

First of all I wish to thank my CW Academy advisor Keith, G0HKC and his co-advisor Kit, G0JPS for their fine and enjoying Academy lessons. And also the fellow students in the class. We had a great time in all the 16 Zoom-meetings!

My launch to the earth happened in 1951 and I got my license in 1970. CW has always been my favorite mode.

I am not so much into DX-chasing and contesting, I like more making real QSOs with leisure chatting. Nevertheless, I am the proud taker of the Worked All Continents Award!

Now in my retirement-days I find increasing CW-speed a fine way to keep Mr. Alzheimer away, and enjoy my time a lot making CW QSOs and train my brain for always better reading and sending. I use a lot of hours just listening. The CWA resources are a tremendous asset for increasing proficiency. I use the Daily Morse Code «Scales» and Pangrams every day at a speed a little higher than my comfort speed, and I am getting slowly better and better managing accuracy and high speed skills. As a famous Jazz musician said when asked what one should do to get so good: “Practice man, practice!”

I love my Begali keys; I mainly use a Begali Signature Edition. I also have a Begali Stradivarius, which is being used on Sundays and feast days.

The photo shows my radio shack as of September 2020.

In my professional life I retired in 2015 after 40 years from work as a church-organist and choir director.

My best 73s to all. Stay safe, practice and get on the air!

This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.

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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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