I was first licensed in ham radio in 1967, my first radio call was OA4AAH. My first rig was an Italian made transmitter by GELOSO and my receiver was a National NC125, the antenna was a vertical home brewed device and worked well in the novice bands of 80 and 40 meters.
I began my professional life in 1970, after getting a BSEE degree from the Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Worked as a design and construction Engineer for a large mining Company in Peru, South America, specializing in power generation, transmission and industrial distribution. Promoted to Management, I was transferred to New York City’s Company headquarters. In the process I got my MBA degree in 1980. Later on, I got recruited out to run the North American Office of a large European manufacturing equipment and machinery for the Steel industry, running operations in Mexico, Canada and the United States. We lived in Oakland, NJ for 42 years, our daughters and their families live in Bedford, NY and Portland, ME.
I retired in 2014, after 38 years of service and my wife Patricia (shown in my photograph) and I finally relocated on a permanent basis to Tucson, Arizona. Our retirement home location was carefully selected and managed to avoid the pitfall of the HOA antenna regulations. I currently operate an IC 7600 transceiver and a PW1 linear amplifier.
I also have in my radio shack a Drake collection of the “Drake twins” T-4XB/R4B and a L-4B linear amplifier. In addition, I also have a Drake TR-4C/RV-3 transceiver. All these units are fully restored and operational. My antenna farm is simple, I have a Yagi Beam by Mosley type PRO 67 C mounted on a crank up tower 50′ high and an end fed wire allowing me to operate all bands, except 160 meters.
I enjoy operating AM/SSB and CW. Contesting, DX and Rag-Chewing, are my favorite activities, in that order. I am currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club, located in Tucson.
I would like to thank Tom Kravec, W8TK for nominating me for CWops membership, as well as all the friends who sponsored me.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.