QTX and MQTX Program


The purpose of the QTX Activity Awards program is to encourage ragchewing by CWops members and to recognize those members who have demonstrated achievement in engaging in multiple ragchews over the course of a month and the calendar year. Points are based upon the total number of ragchew QSOs. An eligible ragchew is a single QSO that is 20 minutes or longer in duration. Repeat ragchews with the same station on the same band are permitted. QSOs do NOT have to be with members of CWOps.

There is a monthly point total and an accumulating annual point total. Listings for both will appear in Solid Copy based upon submissions to Gary, N5PHT using the online form below. A special award will be given to the member who has accumulated the highest number of points at the end of the calendar year.

The CWops website contains a members directory that includes information that can serve as subject matter for discussions on the air. http://cwops.org/members/directory/directory.html Also, ragchewing is especially encouraged immediately following all CWT events.

For the monthly award, 0000z on the 1st day of the month until 2359z on the last day of the month; for the annual award, the calendar year.

Whatever you would normally do during a ragchew. A qualifying QSO must be 20 minutes in duration, or longer and no other restrictions apply.

Entries may be submitted by CWops members only. QSOs may be with anybody and as noted above do NOT have to be with only other CWOps Members.

CQ or any other way you would normally initiate a chat! (On the 28s is recommended; then QSY) Calling “CQ QTX” will be understood by CWops members so it is encouraged.

One point for each 20 minute (or longer) QSO. For the annual award, monthly totals will be combined. QSOs may be with members or non-members. Roundtables count for each participating ragchewer. A ragchew extending over the end of a month may be counted in the total for either month (not both months).

Participating ragchewers must file their QTX reports by using the form below. It requires only the total points. But please use the comments section and that material may be shared, if appropriate, in the Newsletter column. Total points are simply the number of qualifying QSOs for the previous month. There are two ongoing lists in Solid Copy, the monthly list and the annual cumulative list. Submissions must be submitted by the third of the month to be included in the Solid Copy tally.

The QTX Activity Award program operates on the honor system. If there are questions, please contact Gary Stone at n5phtgs@gmail.com.

NEW !   MQTX Program

Starting at 0000Z 1  July 2018, we will now start counting “mini QTX” QSOs. Mini QTX (or MQTX) QS0s are QSOs with anyone that last from 10 to 19 minutes.  We will report these scores in the Solid Copy newsletter, but for the time being no specific awards or medals will be given out for MQTX QSOs.

Note: A single QSO counts only once and should be reported as either a MQTX or QTX but not both.

QTX Submission Form

Please enter your monthly QTX scores here.



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CWops Center of Activity Frequencies : 1.818, 3.528, 7.028, 10.118, 14.028, 18.078, 21.028, 24.908, and 28.028 MHz.

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