Thanks to KK5NA/Joe for nominating me and KTUV/Mike, N7US/Jim, and K1EBY for sponsoring me.
My first callsign was VE3LRP in 1979 with a Ten Tec PM2 QRP rig. At that time CW was still a requirement to get an amateur radio license. CW has always been my first choice mode and I have enjoyed many QSOs with other CW enthusiasts over the years.
My present callsign belonged to my Elmer Wally Hobbs VE3WH. Uncle Wally had been a Ham since 1936 and was instrumental in me becoming one also. Wally helped me many times with projects related to our shared hobby and I could not have had a better example of what a ham radio operator should be. Though Wally was an accomplished engineer he was also a gentleman OM on the air.
I will recommend CW Academy to anyone who wants to improve their CW skills. I look forward to the friendship, focus on CW conservation and high standards that CW Ops membership offers.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.