I introduce myself: name Patrizio Ettore Bina, callsign IS0FQK, born 1951 in Sardinia, license 1980, I learned CW on my own and passed the exam with a very positive outcome. Ham callsign from 1981. I am medical doctor, cardiologist, now retired. I have a great family. Other hobbies: cycling, kayaking, sailing with my sailboat on open sea (call IS0FQK/MM QRP), archery (barebow and longbow).
About my ham activities: I like to design and to build antennas, QRP radios, keys. I love CW and I love to use the bug key (99%), also in contest and activations, in QSO I use PC only for log. I teach CW (friendly and for free) from about 25 years to my friends and now I teach CW in interactive videoconference. From about 1 year I use 3D printing to realize my designs, see my keys 3D printed also on my QRZ and on Thingiverse (search IS0FQK). I am also member of I.N.O.R.C., A.R.M.I., Bug Users Group, SKCC, my local club is E.R.A.C. (Emergenza Radioamatori Associati Cagliari). I am happy to be a member of your group.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.